The power of your thoughts is the key to creating your reality. Everything you experience in your outer world has its origin in the inner world of your thoughts and feelings.
In order to truly become the creator of your destiny, it is important to learn how to control the nature of your thoughts.
In New Age philosophy, the Law of Attraction stems from the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. The Law of Attraction rests on the premise that we attract into our lives whatever we are predominantly focused upon.
All thoughts turn into things eventually
If you focus on doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud however if you focus on optimism and positivity and have goals that you aim to achieve then you will find a way to achieve them. You attract to yourself the things and circumstances that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant frequency, which is determined by your dominant mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs.
Not all thoughts are created equal
The strength of power of any particular thought is dependant upon how frequently you have that thought and the strength of the emotions and feelings attached to it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater it’s power to attract the corresponding reality into your physical world. Your random one off thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual thoughts and beliefs. It is pointless to entertain positive thoughts and recite positive affirmations for 15 mins a day and then proceed to think and behave negatively for the remainder of the day. Negative thoughts and actions cancel out the benefits of positive thoughts and actions and vice versa.
Become aware of your thoughts
Learn to be aware of your habitual thoughts and where necessary, reroute them so that your overall attitude and mood is one of positivity. Instantly replace negative thoughts with its positive equivalent. One of my favourite affirmations is “every day in every way my life is getting better and better”. I think this works for me because I actually believe it. When replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts or affirmations, it is better to choose thoughts and affirmations that you believe or have faith in. Another good technique is the” cancel, cancel” technique. Whenever you catch yourself thinking an unwanted thought, mentally tell yourself and the universe “cancel, cancel” and replace it with a positive thought or affirmation.
Tame Your Dominant Thoughts and Your Random Thoughts Will Follow.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” – Buddha
In this blog, I have focused mainly on the primary Law of Attraction which is Like attracts Like
The 3 Main Laws of Attraction are:
- Like attracts Like – If you have a bad attitude you are most likely to attract other people with a similarly bad attitude. Likewise, if you have a positive attitude then you are more likely to attract other positive people. The like attracts like principle is always at work in attracting to us the things that we entertain the most in our minds, both consciously and unconsciously.
- Nature Abhors a Vacuum – In other words, Nature will fill a vacuum. Simply stated, Stop hoarding and clinging onto unwanted situations and things. If you want greater good, greater prosperity in your life, then start forming a vacuum to receive it. Learn to release anything that is no longer serving you even if the release is just a mental release. The best way to effortlessly attract something new in your life is to create some empty space. Decluttering will activate this law of attraction. Whenever you feel stuck just start decluttering. Always say “No” to the things you don’t want. If you want a newer and better version of something, always say “No” to the old version of it first even if the “NO” is only a mental “NO”. All clutter represents “stuck energy” so physically decluttering helps to activate this law of attraction and get rid of stuck energy.
- The Present is Always Perfect – Eckhart Tolle, in his book, The Power of Now, suggests that “Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it”. What you really want out of life can only arrive if you are positively working with and cooperating with the present moment. We create the reality we desire moment by moment. By resisting the present moment, you become disempowered, hopeless and stuck. What You Resist Persists. The only way to create what you truly desire is to accept your present moment positively using it as a launchpad for more desirable future moments. The best way to accept the present moment is to appreciate and celebrate it. It is important to do this even when you don’t feel like it, more especially when you don’t feel like it. Always remember that one moment creates the next moment and so it is important to remain in control of your personal power. For example, let’s say you are in a job that you do not feel suited to but cannot resign for practical reasons. The best way to be positively present might be to be grateful for the good aspects of the job such as the financial income, Focus on solutions such as setting some positive goals in respect of applying for other jobs and try to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
To summarise, your life is a perfect reflection of your thoughts, beliefs and dominant mental attitude. If you sincerely wish to change the course of your life then it is up to you to use the greatest creative power at your disposal by controlling your habitual thoughts and aligning yourself with the one source of all power of which you are a part. Know and internalise this truth and watch the transformation of your life.
17 thoughts on “The Power of A Positive Mind – Law of Attraction”
Some great ideas here! I’m definitely more drawn to people of an easy-going, honest nature like myself – so I’m a firm believer in “Like attracts Like”. Also I like to use a visualization trick myself – in the past if I’ve been in stressful situations with stressed people – I like to think of myself as a rock in the middle of a raging river. That helps me to remain calm and influence others around me to remain calm too.
love that example. Am gonna use it too. Thank you for your feedback x
Resonate with me?? It positively screams at me, right to my core.
Thank you so much Antonia for setting me off on a Road I knew I was bound to travel but I didn’t know how to take the first step.
Awww Thanks for your feedback Lynne x
Thank you Antonia for your positive outlook on life and improving my own mental well-being – I look forward to reading your blogs on social media on a daily basis.
That’s so good to hear. Thanks Mark x
So true. I also believe that staying in a positive mindset allows you to work through tough times and repel negativity, It allows a more realistic mindset and it helps to invoke creativity.A couple of quotes from the Harry Potter movies and there are a lot of quotes which also resonate with this piece.
“But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
“We’ve all got light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
Antonia herself is my inspiration being so powerful and positive, knows what she is talking about. Great writing on power of mind which is not deniable.
This really lifted my spirits. Thanks for sharing!
Nice article, again. Though I believe that even “negative” emotions are directing us where we need to go. We just don’t have to “get stuck” with them too much 🙂
This was very helpful and inspiring as I struggle with negative, intrusive and sometimes repetitive thoughts that clutter my brain and are so hard to unclutter – but now I understand I must bat these away and repeat and replace with positive ones! You’re a great girl and a great coach x
Loving this!!! Started practising it already!!! March out negative. Stride in positive!
Like attracts like, that is something to live by
I am a great believer in being positive and Antonia’s blog has reinforced this. I have lost count over the number of times I have advised my staff that stress, is unhelpful and can hold us back, try and be positive and move forward.
Very deep and inspiring. Thanks for sharing this article, Antonia! I’ll always visit your blog for more like this.
‘The present is always perfect’ – never thought of it that way, but I like it.
There is a model for career development called Strengths Finder that pope into my head as I read this. The idea of the model is that when people look at themselves, they often look for the negatives.
I will never be super strong at planning (I find it boring), and with all the training in the world I’ll never be great at it. So as long as I am good enough then I shouldn’t waste time worrying about it.
What I should be doing is understanding what I really good at (for me being adaptable, calm in a crisis, problem solver etc) and make these strengths my USP ‘- the thing I am good at, makes me happy, am able to contribute the most.
This focus on the positives mindset shift is key – we can’t be good at everything, but we are good a some things, so focus most energy in those directions and make them something great and you’ll be a positive person that people want to talk to, rather than someone who has a negative perspective.
‘The present is always perfect’ – never thought of it that way, but I like it.
There is a model for career development called Strengths Finder that pope into my head as I read this. The idea of the model is that when people look at themselves, they often look for the negatives.
I will never be super strong at planning (I find it boring), and with all the training in the world I’ll never be great at it. So as long as I am good enough then I shouldn’t waste time worrying about it.
What I should be doing is understanding what I really good at (for me being adaptable, calm in a crisis, problem solver etc) and make these strengths my USP ‘- the thing I am good at, makes me happy, am able to contribute the most.
This focus on the positives mindset shift is key – we can’t be good at everything, but we are good a some things, so focus most energy in those directions and make them something great and you’ll be a positive person that people want to talk to, rather than someone who has a negative perspective.